Selasa, 31 Oktober 2017

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Hay, now I will share information about the restaurant that sells food that is in the likes of all circles

This food is a food that I suggest it because this food is a suitable food on the tongue of Indonesia, this food is also often become prey culinary lovers not only in the country but abroad
In each area of ​​this food is always served with different flavors with additional different spices that are the main attraction of this food in every region, in addition this food is typical of the Indonesian people

This food is commonly known as Fried Rice, but fried rice that I recommend is not ordinary fried rice but chicken fried chicken, on this fried rice in racik special seasoning different from other fried rice, other than that this fried rice served with additional chicken kampong.

Chicken kampong is what makes the fried rice in this restaurant is different, chicken is presented chicken is a young chicken with meat that is not hard when the food.

Fried rice is a mainstay menu at Toss café, on the street Princess Dare Black
For the price of this 22k fried rice, it is affordable and does not make the bag burst ..
The taste problem of this fried rice please in your own cobe yes guys, make sure you do not regret when ordering this menu ...

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Hay, sekarang saya akan membagi informasi tentang restoran yang menjual makanan yang sangat di sukai semua kalangan

Makanan ini menjadi makanan yang saya saran kan karena makanan ini merupakan makanan yang cocok di lidah orang Indonesia, makanan ini juga sering kali menjadi buruan para pencinta kuliner tidak hanya dalam negri tetapi luar negri
Pada setiap daerah makanan ini selalu disajikan dengan rasa yang berbeda-beda dengan tambahan bumbu yang berbeda pula itu yang menjadi daya tarik makanan ini di setiap daerah, selain itu makanan ini menjadi khas nya orang Indonesia

Makanan ini biasa dikenal Nasi Goreng, tetapi nasi goreng yang saya sarankan bukan nasi goreng biasa melainkan nasi goreng ayam kampong, pada nasi goreng ini di racik bumbu yang khusus berbeda dengan nasi goreng lainnya, selain itu nasi goreng ini di sajikan dengan tambahan ayam kampong.
Ayam kampong ini lah yang membuat nasi goreng di restoran ini berbeda, ayam kampong yang disajikan merupakan ayam yang masih muda dengan daging yang tidak keras apabila di makan.
Nasi goreng ini menjadi menu andalan pada Toss café, di jalan Putri Dare Hitam
Untuk harga dari Nasi goreng ini 22k, terjangkau dan tidak membuat kantong jebol..

Masalah rasa dari nasi goreng ini silahkan di cobe sendiri ya guys, di pastikan anda tidak menyesal apabila memesan menu ini…

Selasa, 24 Oktober 2017

Bahasa indonesia

Borneo Business icon adalah sebuah kawasan perdagangan dan pergudangan modern pertama dan terbesar di Kalimantan Barat. Disini tersedia rumah,ruko,pusat grosir,pergudangan moderen.

Bahasa Inggris

icon business Borneo is a modern trading area and warehousing on the island of Borneo.this place is the first place on the island of Borneo and largest.Here there are housing, shops, wholesale centers.

Bahasa Indonesia
ini adalah salah satu contoh dari tempat yang ada di Borneo Business icon, kawasan ini dijadikan sebagai tempat berjualan makanan dan tempat nyantai. kawasan ini di penuhi dengan cat yang berwarna-warni serta hiasan lampu gantung dan bendera yang membuatnya semaki cantik.
bahasa inggris

I. Circle the correct meaning for each of the following words from the passage

1. Officials
 a. people trained to maintain the safe, ordely, and expeditious flow of air traffic in the global air traffic control system.
2. Mayor
a. an official in charge of a goverment department.
3. Senators
a. members of senate
4. Entrust
a. to blidly trust a person or a group of people.
5. interest
b. a share or a right in the ownership of a property in a commercial of financial undertaking.

II. Decide whether these statements are True (T) or False (F). Correct the false one.
1. All Americans can vote regardless of their age.
 answer : False (F)
2. Local Goverment is in charge writing and enforcing laws for members of its community
answer : True (T)
3. state Goverment protect the health and safety of state citizens
nswer : True (T)
4. Unlike local goverment, state goverment can print money.
answer : True (T)
5. the federal goverment has the authority to declare war on another country
answer : True (T)

III. Short Answer
1. Name the three levels goverments in the United States?
Answer : local goverment,state goverment,federal goverment
2. according to the text, what is the task of a mayor and city council members?
Answer : task of a mayor and city council members are the laws affect the city and the people who live there.
3. what are the two issues protected by the state department?
Answer : two issues procted by the state department is the health and safety of state citiziens.
4. who is the head of states and the head of goverment of the United States?
Answer : head of states : president
head of goverment : primer minister
5. Name three things that the federal goverment can do but other levels cannot?
Answer : federal goverment can do 3 thing are can print money, can negotiate with other countries and can declare war on another country.

IV. Reading Discussion (group work)
1. How many levels of goverment does indonesia have? mention each one of them
Answer : the arrangement Indonesia goverment :
- central goverment
-provinci goverment
-city goverment
-district goverment
-village goverment
2. if you can choose one other provinces in indonesia to live in, what provinces will you choose and why ? describe from your studies major !
Answer : we will choose jogjakarta city, because jogjakarta is one of the cities whoose society still has high moral,culture,high sense of titles, and a sense of oppenness to all people not only local people but also to the society overseas.
3. with your group members, create a short presentation to explain about the differences between the U.S goverment and the Indonesia goverment.
Answer : the indonesia and us goverment system are in people equally presidential. goverment control (exclusive) in the hands of the president and the at the same time the president is also the head of state. clearly president SBY is the head of the unitany state of the republic of indonesia, and barack obama is the head of the united states superpower. both men hate the right to decide was  with other countries.
the therm of the presidency in indonesia is 5 years in the U.S is 4 years. but there are differnt "small"things, namely that in NKRI according to exsting law, still open opportunity for development district, where as in U.S development area is already closed, or full. in the U.S  there is no father development of the reglon or creatie a new district.

Sabtu, 21 Oktober 2017

1.       Medukung mu dalam segala usaha
Teman sejati menjadi orang yang kedua setelah orang tua yang selalu mendukung mu untuk hal apapun,selagi hal itu positif dan membawa kebikan untukmu.
2.       Selalu ada buat kamu
Teman sejati selalu ada untuk mu kapan pun dalam kondisi apapun. Tidak hanya datang di saat kamu senang akan tetapi datang disaat kamu sedang mendapatkan kesusahan.
3.       Memaafkan kamu dalam segala hal apapun
Teman sejati selalu memaafkan kamu dalam segala apapun, walaupun terkadang kalian bertengkar karena hal yang sulit sekalipun. Akan tetapi teman sejati pasti tidak bisa tidak betegur sapa dengan mu dalam waktu lama.
4.       Mencintai kepribadian kamu yang norak
Teman sejati selalu mencintai kepribadian kamu walaupun kepribadian kamu norak. Teman sejati selalu menerima dirimu walaupun kamu bersifat norak sekalipun. Kamu tidak akan menutupi kepribadian kamu yang norak kepada dia.
5.       Tidak perlu jaim didepan dia
Di depan teman sejati kamu tidak perlu jaim, karna teman sejati ia lah teman yang bisa menerima kamu dari segi apapun.
6.       Selalu memahami kepribadian mu
Teman sejati akan selalu memahami kepribdian kamu sekecil apapun itu. Kepribadian yang kamu memiliki bisa terbuka di depan teman sejati. Mereka akan menerima segala kepribadian mu tanpa pernah berpikir untuk menjauhi dirimu.

Kesimpulan : Kenali teman sejati mu lebih dalam, kamu tidak pernah tau siapa teman sejati mu. Apabila kamu sudah mendaptkan teman sejati kamu bisa benar-benar memahami dirinya bahkan dia sudah seperti saudara bagimu.

1.       Support you in every effort
A true friend becomes the second person after a parent who always supports you for anything, while it is positive and carries a good for you.
2.       Always there for you
True friends are always there for you anytime under any circumstances. Not only come when you are happy but come when you are in trouble.
3.       Forgive you in everything
True friends always forgive you in everything, although sometimes you fight because of difficult things though. But true friends can not help but greet with you for a long time.
4.       Loving your tacky personality
True friends always love your personality even though your personality is tacky. True friends always accept you even though you are tacky though. You will not cover your tacky personality to him.
5.       No need to jaim in front of him
In front of a true friend you do not need jaim, because a true friend he is a friend who can accept you in any way.
6.       Always understand your personality
A true friend will always understand your little personality. The personality you have can be open in front of a true friend. They will accept all your personality without ever thinking about staying away from you.
Conclusion: Know your true friends deeper, you never know who your real friends are. When you have received your true friend you can truly understand her even she is like a brother to you

Sabtu, 14 Oktober 2017

Tugas 3 bahasa inggris
Assalamualaikum wr.wb

I am Ratih Nur Zammi now i am a student at tanjungpura university, in knowledge and teachers faculty. At social program, can pass the test to join tanjungpura university is my childhood dream, and i can relize that dream and get achievment scholarship, to be lecture is the most wonderful prize for me at my 18 birthday..
Now i have another dream wich isni want to be a sarjana with very satified ipk so i can make my parents smile.. now i still wear the almamater that tanjungpura university proud of but 5 years later i will wear my profesion clothes..
But my future clothes can be not a teacher clothes,it can be another profesional clothes.. i have a big hope to that i can still continued my study at java and get scholarship again.. i hope my way to reach my dream can be simplified and get blessings and be a usefull human to family,people,city, and my country. Tjat is my dream for next 5 years hopefully all out dreams can be relize..

Rabu, 04 Oktober 2017

1. Degree
C. A qualification given to a student after she/he has completed her/his studie in hinger education
2. Course
B. A series of lectures or leasson in a particular subject, typicall leading to a qualification.
3. Switch
A. Change
4. Excel
A. To show superiority

1. F
2. T
3. T
4. T
5. F
6. T
7. T
8. F

1. One of the many student associations selected for the first two years and for a bachelor's degree
2. Literatur,science,the social scieces, the arts,history,and so fourth
3. Journalism
4. Bachelor's degree
5. Higer education

1. Because college system in america that has been complete from yorious af art fical facilities,provided for other student,and also if continue s2 and s3 thad ramain at one unuversity only because it's place have been full filled. While the system this the university in indonesia,is still low due to lock of facilities,in varoius fields and still much to be fixed the place is still. If continue s2 and s3 not only i place even to exit west kalimantan.
2. Wh choose to decide the course to decide the course at the begining, because the department is related to our ideals.
3. The first thing that matters most to determine the direction is derived from from his own desines. So,we choose social aducation the first, because to our interest in social education. The second, our basic is more to the social field education. We want to deepen social science and have a social spirit that is the reason we choose social education.
4.Indonesia has to fix themselves. Of the many problems that exist, the problems of labor education should also not escape the attention. In Indonesia, the issue of educational labor can be seen from the number of professors or professors who are still not ideal. The number of professors in Indonesia is the number of colleges and universities. The number of professors is essentially urgently needed, as their work will be useful to help carry out a major research agenda and develop science.