tips menghilangkan rasa galau
1. Mendekatkan
diri kepada agama
diri kepada agama bertujuan untuk membuat seseorang tidak memiliki pikiran
ingin bunuh diri pada saat merasakan galau. Momen galau adalah momen yang akan
selalu dekat dengan anda. Anggap saja masalah adalah sahabat anda, mensyukuri
setiap masalah yang datang dan berfikirlah untuk cepat menyelesaikannya. Jika
masalah menyangkut beberapa kepala, lebih baik anda berkumpul dengan
orang-orang yang bersangkutan dan mencari jalan keluar. Disisi lain, ada
baiknya anda lebih mendekatkan diri dengan agama, hal ini tentu lebih banyak
membantu agar anda tidak salah jalan. Ikhlas untuk berbuat baik, berdoa dalam
berbagai keadaan tentu memberi ketentraman pada hati anda.
-- Jangan
menyalahlan diri sendiri
masalah akan selalu datang pada diri anda. Bahkan menjadi sahabat dalam
hari-hari yang akan anda lewati. Hal ini patut disyukuri, dengan masalah dan
melewati kegalauan anda akan membentuk diri menjadi seseorang yang lebih kuat.
Dengan menyalahkan diri sendiri hanya akan membebani fikiran anda, masalahpun
tidak kunjung selesai. Adapun orang yang sampai bunuh diri karena merasa tidak
pantas untuk hidup didunia, hingga di Jepang disediakan tempat untuk melakukan
bunuh diri, dan uniknya orang yang melihat kejadian bunuh diri hanya sibuk
memotret atau memphoto pelaku bunuh diri. Hal ini sungguh disayangkan, begitu
banyak jiwa yang tersakiti dan tidak menyanggupi menyelesaikan suatu masalah
sampai akhirnya menyalahkan diri sendiri.
3. Mendengarkan
orang memiliki cara tersendiri untuk mendengarkan musik, namun perlu diingatkan
musik akan mempengaruhi suasana hati, dan ada baiknya bila sedang keadaan kalut
tidak mendengarkan musik mellow atau sedih. Dengarlah musik yang membuat anda
lebih semangat, bila anda suka menyanyi keluarkan teriakan anda mengikuti lirik
lagu tersebut. Hal ini cukup membuat anda tenang.
4. Lakukan
hal yang positif
hati yang buruk dikarenakan stimulus yang buruk. Anda dapat melawannya dengan
mengisi waktu-waktu berharga anda dengan kegiatan atau hobi yang anda minati.
Selain mendapat hal baru, kehidupan tidak monoton, dapat pelajaran baru,
andapun dapat berfokus pada sesuatu yang anda senangi hingga akhirnya kegalauan
itu perlahan terlupakan.
5. Perbanyak
sharing dan bergaul
satu ini cukup kuat untuk membantu mengatasi kegalauan anda. Dengan sharing,
dapat saling bertukar fikiran dan pendapat. Walau pada dasarnya orang galau
hanya butuh didengar, namun dengan bergaul dan bermain dengan teman-teman anda
akan mendapatkan suatu zona nyaman walau mungkin ketika sendiri anda akan
kembali memikirkan masalah anda. Sekarang waktunya buka fikiran anda, teman
tidak hanya untuk menemani anda, dengan mereka pun anda dapat meminta pendapat,
hidup memang memerlukan sosialisasi. Ada baiknya anda meluangkan waktu untuk
meminta pendapat teman-teman anda, hal ini biasa disebut curhat. Namun jangan
salah tempat curhat.
6. Pergi
ke psikolog atau hipnoerapi
masalah anda tak kunjung selesai dan hanya memberi beban yang
teramat sangat berat, ada baiknya anda pergi ke psikologi atau
hipnoterapis. Disana anda akan belajar kepribadian yang lebih positif.
Berkonsultasi hanya untuk jalan yang sudah buntu, walaupun tidak akan ada
masalah yang tidak terselesaikan.
tips to eliminate
the feeling of upset
1. Closer to religion
Closer to religion aims to make a person do not have suicidal thoughts when feeling upset. The moment of upset is a moment that will always be close to you. Let's just say the problem is your friend, be grateful for any problems that come and think to quickly solve it. If the problem involves multiple heads, it's better to get together with the people and find a way out. On the other hand, it helps you get closer to religion, it is certainly more help so you do not go wrong. Ikhlas to do good, praying in various circumstances surely give serenity to your heart.
1. Closer to religion
Closer to religion aims to make a person do not have suicidal thoughts when feeling upset. The moment of upset is a moment that will always be close to you. Let's just say the problem is your friend, be grateful for any problems that come and think to quickly solve it. If the problem involves multiple heads, it's better to get together with the people and find a way out. On the other hand, it helps you get closer to religion, it is certainly more help so you do not go wrong. Ikhlas to do good, praying in various circumstances surely give serenity to your heart.
2. Do not
blame yourself
Remember, the problem will always come to you. Even become friends in the days that you will pass. It is to be grateful, with problems and through the turmoil you will shape yourself into a stronger person. By blaming yourself will only burden your mind, the problem is not finished. As for people who commit suicide because they feel unworthy to live in the world, until in Japan provided a place to commit suicide, and unique person who saw the suicide only busy taking pictures or memphoto suicide. This is unfortunate, so many souls are hurt and do not willingly solve a problem until finally blame yourself.
3. Listening to music
Everyone has their own way to listen to music, but it needs to be reminded the music will affect the mood, and it's good when the state of chaos is not listening to mellow or sad music. Hear music that makes you more excited, if you like to sing out your screams follow the lyrics of the song. This is enough to make you calm.
4. Do something positive
Bad mood due to bad stimulus. You can fight it by filling your precious moments with activities or hobbies that interest you. In addition to getting new things, life is not monotonous, it can be a new lesson, you also can focus on something you enjoy until finally the turmoil is slowly forgotten.
5. Expand sharing and hanging out
This one way is powerful enough to help overcome your turmoil. With sharing, can exchange thoughts and opinions. Although basically people are upset just need to be heard, but by hanging out and playing with your friends will get a comfort zone though maybe when you yourself will re-think your problem. Now it's time to open your mind, friends not only to accompany you, with them you can ask for opinions, life does require socialization. It's good you take the time to ask the opinion of your friends, this is usually called vent. But make no mistake vent.
6. Go to a psychologist or hypnoerapi
If your problem does not go away and only burden very heavy, it's good you go to psychology or hypnotherapist. There you will learn a more positive personality. Consult only for deadlocked roads, although there will be no unresolved issues.
Remember, the problem will always come to you. Even become friends in the days that you will pass. It is to be grateful, with problems and through the turmoil you will shape yourself into a stronger person. By blaming yourself will only burden your mind, the problem is not finished. As for people who commit suicide because they feel unworthy to live in the world, until in Japan provided a place to commit suicide, and unique person who saw the suicide only busy taking pictures or memphoto suicide. This is unfortunate, so many souls are hurt and do not willingly solve a problem until finally blame yourself.
3. Listening to music
Everyone has their own way to listen to music, but it needs to be reminded the music will affect the mood, and it's good when the state of chaos is not listening to mellow or sad music. Hear music that makes you more excited, if you like to sing out your screams follow the lyrics of the song. This is enough to make you calm.
4. Do something positive
Bad mood due to bad stimulus. You can fight it by filling your precious moments with activities or hobbies that interest you. In addition to getting new things, life is not monotonous, it can be a new lesson, you also can focus on something you enjoy until finally the turmoil is slowly forgotten.
5. Expand sharing and hanging out
This one way is powerful enough to help overcome your turmoil. With sharing, can exchange thoughts and opinions. Although basically people are upset just need to be heard, but by hanging out and playing with your friends will get a comfort zone though maybe when you yourself will re-think your problem. Now it's time to open your mind, friends not only to accompany you, with them you can ask for opinions, life does require socialization. It's good you take the time to ask the opinion of your friends, this is usually called vent. But make no mistake vent.
6. Go to a psychologist or hypnoerapi
If your problem does not go away and only burden very heavy, it's good you go to psychology or hypnotherapist. There you will learn a more positive personality. Consult only for deadlocked roads, although there will be no unresolved issues.
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