Sabtu, 30 September 2017

Bahasa Indonesia
ini merupakan tampak depan dari Borneo Business Icon, yang terletak di Sungai Ambawang Kalimantan Barat. kawasan ini merupakan, kawasan pertokoan, perumahan, dan sebagai tempat grosir terbesar dan pertama yang ada di Pulau Kalimantan.
Bahasa Inggris : this is the front view of the borneo business icon, located on the sungai ambawang Kalimantan Barat. this area is, the area of shop, housing, and aslargest and first wholesale place on the island of Borneo.

bahasa indonesia
ini merupakan kawasan grosir yang ada di Business Borneo Icon. kawasan ini merupakan kawasan yang dijadikan sebagai tempat grosir yang menjual pakaian dan sepatu. serta kawasan ini juga dijadikan tempat unutk bersantai ditambah lagi kawasan ini dihiasi dengan warna-warni cat serta lampu gantung dan bendera yang membuat kawasan ini semakin cantik.
bahasa inggris
tjis is a wholesale area in Business Borneo icon. this area is an area used as a whosale place that sells clothes and shoes. as well as the area is also used as a place to relax plus the area is decorated with colorful and flags that make this area more beautiful.
bahasa indonesia
ini merupakan ruang yang ada di Kraton Kadriyah kota pontianak, kraton ini berdiri pada tanggal 23 oktober 1771M lokasi Kraton ini terletak di Kampong dalam Bugis kota Pontianak yang didirikan oelh Sultan Syarif Abdurahman.
bahasa inggris
this is the space in the Kraton Kadriyah Pontianak city, this palace was established on 23 october 1771m Kraton Location In Kampong in Bugis city Pontianak founded by Sultan Syarif Abdurrahman.
bahasa indonesia
tugu ini menceritakan terbentuknya serikat islam tehun 1914 di Ngabang. kemudian pembentukan Partai Serikat Islam 1923. kerena khawatir pergerakan mereka akan memicu pemberontakan terhadap hindia belanda di kalimantan. pemerintah Hindia Belanda menangkap dan memenjarakan tokohnya di papua yaitu penjara alam dari itulah disebut tugu digulis.
bahasa inggris
this moment tells the formation of the union of islam in 1914 in Ngabang then the formation of the 1923 islamic union party. fearing their movement would trigger a revolt against the Dutch on the islan borneo the dutch east indies goverment arrested and imprisoned his character on the island of papua that is a natural prison of that is called a monument.

Sabtu, 16 September 2017

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

    Good morning,in my blog i will introduce my self. My name Ratih Nur Zammi can be greeted Ratih. I was born on 24 july 1999 in singkawang city my address at cendrawasih street number 33. And now my addres at tanjung harapan.
    I've studied in tk fajar harapan, Sdn 03, Smpn 01, Sman 02 singkawang city. And now i am studying at university of tanjungpura pontianak city.
  The reason i chose to go to the university of tanjungpura,because i already from sd have great hope that when i graduate from sma. I can study at university of tanjungpura when i graduated from SMA i immediately tried to take university entrance test via smptn line. But did not qualify.
  I was disappointed because i could not get way. But because my desire is still strong to continue to university and encouragment of parents. Finally i decided to go to back to test via sbmptn path or written test path. It truns out i graduated.
  I am very happy,my parents also fell happy. But i also fell sad when i have to part with my parents. My finally destination after i graduated from university of tanjungpura. I want to continue my studies in java by taking profession of 1 year.
   The best friend was a brief introduction from me,with the introduction i hope we can get to know each other better.
Wasalamualaikum wr.wb